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In essence, Amazon Kids Plus provides a child-friendly environment with various types of content such as books, audiobooks, movies and TV shows as well as educational apps and games. There are more than 20,000 titles within these categories, all tailored to children between the ages of 3 and 12. That brings us to the end of our guide to Amazon Kids. All in all, the service is a great way to expand kids' access to educational content with the peace of mind afforded by parental controls.

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The normative foundation of much of the research investigating the reasons behind people's vulnerability to misinformation is the need to develop measures limiting its negative effects on individuals and society. Two major approaches to countering fake news and its negative effects can be distinguished in the literature under review. The first approach, often labelled inoculation, is aimed at preemptively alerting individuals to the dangers of online deception and equipping them with the tools to combat it [44, 56]. The second manifests in tackling specific questionable news stories or sources by labelling them in a way that triggers increased scrutiny by information consumers [51, 54]. The key difference between the two is that inoculation-based strategies are designed to work preemptively, while labels and flags are most commonly presented to information consumers alongside the message itself. Reviewer 2: All comments have been addressed

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